Entertainment & Music & Moive

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How Do You Win The Nobel Prize?

I know what categories there are, im just curious how one would win it.

Get a PhD, get involved and do a lot of work

Do research and put a lot of work in socially justice, humanitarian action (ie. stop a war - get the war countries to sign a peace treaty, find something that strongly helps ameliorate the effects of cancer or AIDs and try to help those affected by the disease, etc.)

Make a breakthrough(Solve a problem) that would help peoples lives.

Like the dude that invented insulin liked playing around with blood-sugar levels until he invented synthetic insulin.

Stanley tookie williams was a crip member until he wrote childrens books against gang violence.

I saw on some PBS program these 2 nerds went to the lowest temperature ever it's like 0.0000000000000000001 Kalven.

They all won nobel prizes.

I didn't win it. I mugged the last recipient of it though!

google it

sit back, watch TV

Poll : Which Is More Shocking : Finding Out ........................!?

That Your Dad Was Gay Or A Murderer ?!


lol...picturing my dad gay, haha what a sight that would be

Finding out that he was a gay murderer, now that would be shocking as my dad goes to church, wow wouldn't his pastor be proud!!







Murder-er? :o

Of course a murderer. Being gay is not a sin.

Both would be very...

A murderer would be more though.

a murderer, i would think


WOW....yikes! Murderer I guess, because my brother is gay so that wouldn't be a REAL big blow

murderer of course...

btw gay guys are so hot.

if my dad was gay i would be proud.

(i'm straight,though)

i've hear many more shocking and hurtful words come from his mouth than that.


simple go to the bottom of the page and pick out the country!!!

I like fishes.

could you repeat that


Survey :: What`s An Appropriate Birthday Gift For The Following : ................ !?

1 - Rosie O`Donnell.

2 - Chuck Norris.

3 - Miley Cyrus.


reality check :)

Chuck Norris already has everything.

VCR VCR wheretobuy?

wal mart but they only have the vcr dvd combos


the pawn shop

ebay they sell old stuff

Do you think that most people are racist to an extent?

Not necessarily hating a group of people based on their ethnicity but their are other manners of racism, lesser extennts of it, I assume you know that, so I ask do think most or everyone is?

everyones a little bit racist


doesnt mean we go around committing

hate crimes

if we all could just admit

that we are racist a little bit

maybe its a fact we all should face

everyone makes judgements

based on race

Not racist as that implies hate, but I do feel everyone is prejudiced to a certain extent; not necessarily the color of their skin, but their mannerisms, traditions, attitudes, morals, ethics, and religious beliefs just to name a few. I think all people of all ethnicities are prejudiced to things they do not understand or not familiar with.

Mmmm... I guess somewhat. I don%26#039;t consider myself racist at all but when I%26#039;m walking out to my car late at night after work and if there was a group of black kids... I%26#039;m not gonna lie I would probably be pretty afraid of them. I%26#039;d still be afraid of a group of white kids, but probably not as much. I know that%26#039;s awful but I%26#039;ve grown up in a mostly white/hispanic community so I guess I%26#039;m just not as exposed to diversity as I should be.

Everyone has there own prejudices. Take the Middle East for instance: there have been hundreds of factions within the the muslim world who have fought for thousands of years and yet they are all supposedly from the same lineage.

No. Everyone is ignorant to a certain extent, not racist. Not everyone hates a race. Making unintentionally rude stereotypes is ignorant, not racist.

Yes i am, and even though i am a self proclaimed hippie, i still can%26#039;t help but discriminate against native americans. I%26#039;m sure they%26#039;re great people, but i waas raised to dislike them and its hard to not look down on them!

Sorry Indians!

I don%26#039;t necessarily think that everyone is racist to an extent, but more so prejudice.

I think most people are getting sick of people throwing the word %26quot;racist%26quot; around. I hear it too much; most people are not racist. I am part of the HUMAN RACE.

I%26#039;m not racist, I hate everybody equally. :)

No I really don%26#039;t think so. I think they might stereotype sometimes, but its just a skin color, I think human beings can get over that.

Yeah, defiantely. I know I am, to an extent.

i believe 100% that every person that exists currently are racist to some extent

Everybody is.

Most people but not all people.

Yes. Intolerance and stereotyping are forms of it.

thats a very interesting point.

everybody is!


Yes even though people won%26#039;t recognize it.

Yeah, come on. everyone is to some extent.

wtf? racism means hate against another RACE it%26#039;s in the word RACism...so yea i think your question kind of answers itself

I don%26#039;t know about most people but I am NOT

Some are, some aren%26#039;t.. I honestly am not though but that might because I have been exposed to all races since I was born..

I don%26#039;t know, that could be true...but I%26#039;m proud to say that I am most certainly not.

yes. people always have something in the back of their heads that dislikes those that are different from them

yea to a certain extant

Yeah. But some take it too far

Yes and it%26#039;s NOT the colour of skin.





Survey : Name Something That Doesn`t Mean The World To You !?


a sofa cushion.

Used Cat Litter.


What do guys look for in girl?

ah! 4 me just answering your question

intelligents and boobs and a nice face

Survey ? Which is better for a Desktop Pot between Sunflower and Daisy ?


It would look more clean and fresh. The sunflower is more like country style. Depends on your room decoration :]


It's actually my favorite flower, and it brightens rooms up so well.







Daisy is better.


daisy I think a sunflower would be too tall

idk what the heck your talking about but i'd go for the pot any day lol

non, unless you wont to get green fly all over your computer

Survey : What`s The 1st Piece Of Clothes That Comes To Your Mind When You hear



Bra. same as the girl above. even though i have my bras in my dresser, not in my closet, it just pops into my mind.

bra and shoes.




A dress


CHECK THIS oUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Do you know anyone who has cured his/her PSORIASIS COMPLETELY ? How? Can Yoga help to cure it?....And also to what extent drinking water regularly and eating all those liver friendly foods help???

i heard u could get this medicine, and then this scpecial kind of fish that they eat yuor dead skin and it helps a lot. I know this cuz my dad has it. Hope I helped! :)

GUYS: how do you like girls calves?

Skinny or a bit muscular? Mine are on the muscular side, not huge but you can tell that I'm a sporty girl.

I sometimes get compliments on my calves but I can't figure out if the guys are ironic or serious...

Guys, if you said that to a girl, what would you really think?

I like them on the muscular side.

slender and toned is always good

smoooth and thin

Dipped in "corn-dog"batter,deep fried........on a stick.

What do you order from the Ice Cream Man ?

Turtle somthing in a waffle cone

A mix of vanilla ice cream with pineapple chunks, coca nut, almonds and cherries

Those Sonic the Hedgehog Popsicles.


Eskimo Pie

Buried treasure.

Orange creamcicle or a Nutty Buddy.

A Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Bar......Hmmmmm....Hmmm Good......!!

chocolate please

usually I get a snow cone or drumstick!

4.00 for an Ice Cream....no thanks

If you

Inquiring mind wants to know.

69, doggystyle, nap.

watch tv.

Or you can do a puzzle!

If that doesn't work you can always go for a walk.

And it really helps if you write it down somewhere!

swimming, working out, grooming horses, or working at something physical, wear myself out take a shower and go to bed.

Jerkin' the gerkin'

ummm 2 ways...

to go to my physico therapest...

or smell sumthing stronge... o_O

reading or playing music...or just being by myself for a while...on a walk or something...

Keep the J & B scotch coming

a hot bath, with nice music, and maybe some hot tea or hot chocklate afterwards

wine, lots of wine


Carefully or I'll unwind fast and spring in your face.

Beer, Makers Mark, and Coke

A little "alone time" is in order.


Get in the hot tub

A cup of my favorite tea and online journaling usually do the trick.

a bath

go work out

get some fresh air

Good sex does it for me...each and every time!

Pull my string.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Forming a grunge band thru the internet?

My friend who plays guitar has band members he has never met in person who he put out ads for on the internet. He now says he has a band? Is that really how it works.....how do you practice and stuff when you are scattered all over the country and you are only 16 so you can't just go where you want? What are the chances of this working out? Thanks

I concur with Perse and ron-johns, that's a horrific idea. The odds of it working it out? Zero. Stick with people you actually know in person.

Watch the movie "The Rocker" with Rainn Wilson.

Also heed Persephone's advice.

You can't, that is just silly.

What exacly is PROMENADE and VIP, im going to a jonas brothers concert in july. and im getting those tickets.?

im buying tickets for the summer. i want to meet them and i was wondering how if thats what vip is, PLEASE help.


Jonas Brothers VIP Package Includes:

-One Premium Reserved Ticket

-Early Entry into the venue

-Premium Parking

-Sound Check Party

-Official Commemorative VIP Laminate

-Special Gift Bag

Could a

...without hurting the human?

I don't want my fanfic to require suspension-of-disbelief.

You have no reason to be entering this question if you don't know what a shurikan is.


No they couldn't do that. The yautja-shurikan is too sharp. It'd just slash completely through the human's clothing and continue through the air.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't put it in your fanfic. One short moment of disbelief won't hurt.

Yes. The predators learned how to do it from the Ninja's and Tengu's.

Dipping poll: Strawberries, banana slices or something else?

dipped in chocolate?

I love both, but there's something about strawberries dipped in chocolate that are so romantic and yummy.

: )

Strawberries dipped in chocolate : )


Strawberries, but I like pineapple too.

mmm... strawberries

potato chips dipped in chocolate they are soo good

strawberries and pretzles. <3

Pineapple is my favorite

strawberries all the way

marshmallows and mini donuts :)

What is a must-have for a twilight room?

I am surprising my friend with a new twilight room. But I don't know what would be good to have in it. I need all possible thoughts or ideas (cheap would be nice)

Thanks :)

Vampires? A bloody carpet?? Just Kidding!

In the movie they guy didn't have a bed so maybe you could do something different with you bed? Maybe make it look more like a couch. I would do dark colors like a deep dark purple and black. Maybe some glow in the dark wall decorations to make it look light even when the light is off. (Like how in twilight their skin glows in light, you could find some glow in the dark crystal shaped stickers)

Try www.wakeupfrankie.com

They have a lot of really cute room decorations and maybe you can get some ideas.

twilight posters, all four of the books,

you can go on ebay and get the comforter set that

Bella has in the movie


Scorpio women: Have you ever cheated on anyone?

What were the circumstances. I'm not judging. I'm just a curious Scorpio woman.


The zodiac was created by people who were 2 steps away from cavemen. Those same people thought the Earth was flat, monsters in the seas were real threats, gods lived on a mountain, they had kids with people, shape-shifting, and many other ridiculous beliefs.

Stop and join us in the real world.


Its embarrassing.


Help. Please answer. Best Answer! How do I present a good project ?

I'm in grade 9, and I have to present tomorrow on the Elizabethan Era. I have to wear a mask that looks like a bird because that's what the physicians wore. But the problem is that I'm shy to present in front of the class. Me and my group also took a movie and we are present that as well. The teacher said that we will lost marks if we don't have eye contact. But I'm really shy about that kind of stuff.

And I really want to get a 90 on this!

Please any tips will help!!!


Oh, btw. the presentation has to be 10 minutes long!!!

instead of looking right at your classmates, look just above their heads, so it kind of looks like you're making eye contact. i have trouble presenting in front of class, too.

Why did you put this in polls and survys????????????

Ted Nugent, MC 5 ,Fleetwood Mac., the Eagles or J Geils Band?

Which do you like and why ( or rank them )

In order of My preference then...

1 The J Geils Band

Their 70's output was superb, especially albums like Monkey island, Bloodshot, and Nightmares

2 Ted Nugent

That man plays a meannnnn axe.

3 Fleetwood Mac

Almost unique among FMac fans I like their Mid 70's post-Green, pre-Nicks work the best.

4 The Eagles

I like a few songs here and there

5 The MC5

Kick out the jams mother******!!!!!

I gotta say J. Geils Band

Centerfold and Freeze Frame are on my all time favorite 80's songs.

Nugent is an arrogant deadbeat conservative. His music is not that good.

I love Fleetwood Mac. Great classic tunes

My dad wore me out on The Eagles

MC5- Kick Out the Jams mofo!

1. J. Geils Band

2. Fleetwood Mac

3. The Eagles

4. MC5

5. Nuge

Mc5 - Because i love Punk and these were classed as Proto Punks, so if it wasnt for bands like these, (including The Stooges & New York Dolls) i wouldnt be able to listen to what i love, and also, THEY F**KIN ROCK!!!

Fleetwood Mac fan since 1967

J Geils before they went pop

Eagles prior to 1976

Nugent before he opened his redneck mouth


1.Eagles,my teenage years

2.Fleetwood Mac-rumors- starting in my twenty's

3.J Geils Band-good band



these are subject to change

1) The Eagles

2) J Geils

3) Nugent

4) Fleetwood Mac

5) MC5 only because I don't know enough of their stuff

1) Fleetwood Mac {1967 - }

one of my equal favourite bands

I'm not a fan of the others, though I do like a few songs by The Eagles...

1. Fleetwood Mac

2. Ted Nugent

3. The eagles

Eagles - Don and Glenn. Outstanding vocals

Fleetwood Mac

J Geils Band

Ted Nugent - The Nuge was good in Damn Yankees, but not solo.


1. ted

2. eagles

3. mac

4. mc 5

5. geils

Fleetwood Mac (1) and the Eagles (2). Not a big fan of the others... Eich

1. The Eagles 2. Fleetwood Mac

the rest I don't really listen to or like as much.

Fleetwood mac, saw them in concert, my mom really liked them!

the eagles imo have the best depth of good songs among the choices

Ted Nugent

Do you enjoy observation decks? Which have you been to?

I have been to the Sears Tower one in Chicago and many times to the one that was on the 51st floor of the IDS center before they closed it.

Which ones have you been to, and what were they like.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Never been to one.

Would you like to fall asleep on a cloud?

Assuming they are not just air.

No I don't smoke weed anymore

I often imagine myself on clouds. When the sun is visible, they're especially beautiful. A cloud looks the best when it's partially covering the sun, and it the light makes it whiter or golden...you know?

Yeah, I'd love to sleep on one.

You would fall right through them and even if they were not just air they aren't as fluffy as they seem.

That would be beautiful especially in my love's arms.

Yes, high up so that I can also swing on a star when I want a little fun.

I have a theory clouds can catch on fire! :o

i woud be wet, but thats okay im wet everynite from crying myself to sleep anyways

Id love to with you


yessss :D


Fill it in with whatever you desire. :P

No! It's great to find what I desire when digging in the dirt.

i found something but not china its called lalaland! :D


your cat your parents told you ran away

Poker Face [Lady Gaga] controversy?

So, my friend was in North Bend, OR. Poker face, by Lady Gaga was on the radio, but instead of saying "P-p-p-poker face p-p-p-poker face" it said "P-p-p-poker P-p-p-poker"

It was censored! Does anyone know why? I love that song, and I think it's stupid that it was censored. Do you think they thought she said "F*ck her face" or something?

Also, why wouldn't they look up the lyrics online before they even thought about censoring it?


Thats just dumb, its clearly "poker face". Whoever hears or thinks otherwise needs to get their mind out of the gutter.

i'm not sure i don't get that out of it

RHH: What is your favorite

My favorite has to be Pops Rap III all my children from Like Water For Chocolate. I love the beat and the spoken word. What about you?

the one on Resurrection, i dont know why, but i do...

im with you

Burger poll: I



Anything else?

Lettuce with some cheese and mayo please

lettuce, tomato, mustard, ketchup, pickles, onions, and cheese please.

cooked well done.

That sounds wonderful...I'd like mine medium-rare, mustard and ketchup, pickles, lettuce and tomato. Can I bring a side? Wine?

medium - a little pink - with cheese and a little salt.

Thank you very much. I can never grill burgers because i am afraid of gas grills.

well done Please... Lettuce chess onions

well done

and cheese please thats all and thank you

He asked me to post this question... (kind of long)?

Well, my friend (Tim) came overeek and we started to talk about our brothers and sisters, and he suddenly says "I think my brother is on drugs".. I was sort of surpired by him saying this (because he wasn't saying it jokingly) and he startred to tell me how he was playing with his brothers cell phone, and he got a text message, and my friend read the message and it said: "I want to get high this week can I buy some off of you"? so my friend said that maybe the person who sent him this message (he never heard of the person, but Tims brother must know him/her because his brother receives texts from him/her a lot).. So my friend thought it was probably a friendship question to see if his brother would really let his friend do drugs.. I thought this was being a bit optimistic, but then Timd that his brother never comes home high and never late and doesn't party often and is verrry health concious.. Plus, I know his brother and he doesn't seem like the person who would do something like drugs.. But then Tim suddenly became sad and said his brother was leaving his cell phone a lot at home, and was coming home later than usual (by at least 2-4 hours).. I tried to tell him the cell phone thing was definitelyt an accident and if he was doing drugs he wouldn't leave his cell phone at home because anyone can easily find out if he was or not. So now, he wants me to tell you guys about this and wants your feedback.. sorry for it being super long :(

Maybe that person was just kidding, you know? I don't find that type of joke funny, though. Tell Tim to ask his brother, because it sounds like the type of thing that might turn out to be nothing, or turn out to be very serious. But, you never know. Tell Tim to get his parents involved IMMEDIATELY just to clear everything up.

The part about him being sad: Maybe it's depression? A girl said something? A friend said something? Just tell your friend to get his parents involved. That's the best you can do. If he doesn't have parents, get another adult that you trust to get involved.

Hope everything works out okay.

He is a junkie.

to tim: i would personally confront my brother about it..just bring up the being lateness, the text message, and how you feel about it.

its always the best thing to do..if he denies it then, well your just

going to have to trust what he tells you. if hes that good of a person like you are describing, he will eventually come out and say it if he really is doing drugs.

-good luck

If you were asked to re-design the human body, What changes would you make?

I think its just perfect the way it is!

I would make it impossible to be fat.

no penises for males

then i would be the only one with a gigantic dic

girls would not have stomach cramps with their period

Do you like to play in.......?


The Midwest Arsonist

Whoop,Whoop! I LOVE to play in the mud

juggalette 4 life

im out


too messy

mud is the best... mind if i watch?

Steve Harvey Morning Show Question?

Did Nephew Tommy and Shirley break up?

Well...the question should be r they really together? I listen to the show faithfully and Shirley plays like this hard to get role. I think its just a radio front though. I do remember that one time where Steve and Tommy called her on air unknowingly. Never really heard anything else about that one. Other than that i havent heard anything about them being a couple. U?

Where can i download a live version of Taylor Swift, Should

Its available on iTunes for $.99. The album is called iTunes Live From Soho.

try itunes


Poll: Do you believe in the Great and Powerful Oz? If he declares it, is it so?

"Just Follow The Yellow Brick Road........."......!!

Who cares...I am in love with Elizabeth Swann...and Keira Knightely.


"Great fortune for U.S."

Ozzy Osborne is great but I'm not so sure about powerful.


anything goes on P&S

yeah, but it's just a regular dude running a machine with a gigantic head...lol

If he declares it then it is so

Yes and No

You mean that little old guy who pretends he's a big wizard? Uh, yes, I do.

Possible to form a band this way?

My friend who plays guitar has band members he has never met in person who he put out ads for on the internet. He now says he has a band? Is that really how it works.....how do you practice and stuff when you are scattered all over the country and you are only 16 so you can't just go where you want? Thanks

I know people that have formed bands by meeting on the internet, but they played together in person not just playing and recording on the internet. Not to say it isn't possible, I just wouldn't consider that a real band, seeing as they aren't "banded" together.

I know alot of people that form jam bands over the internet. You record your parts and send them too eachother. It just takes an understanding of the recording process and a maturity in how you create the music.. Of course playing shows and the whole camaraderie of the band is probably missing.

That's not gonna work out. Sounds like your friend is a little desperate to be in a band.

Why did Sir David Jason apologise?

He told an old, tired play on words joke. No-one complained about Roland Butter the English waiter. Not all English people are lowly waiters: some are lawyers, dustbinmen and schoolteachers. The Turks will be up in arms about Mustapha Fagg next.

Ouch, what Kung Fu that?

Signed Eileen Over and Ben Down.

He probably thought it was easier than having hundreds of people taking offence. Humour will disappear eventually because we aren't allowed to say anything.

no-one complained about it?

noone was actually offended?

this makes people think that they cant say anything, no need to get angry at anyone, or any colour its not like loads of pakistanis complained?

He apologized because people were offended. You are right when you say it's "tired". It wasn't remotely funny either.

to be honest i didn't even see how that joke was racist this world has gone mad

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who do like to disappear for awhile, be put in a box and never come out for 10 years?

Well as long as I have food, water, entertainment, an airhole and a big enough box....

Never come out, or for 10 years?


Are you more of a unt

watch and wait...most of the time

watch and wait...

What Do I Do About My Dog Caitlin?

She humps everything! and if she isn't humping something she's pooing on my floor or has hard gas. She is a virgin I've never bred her before. but is her attitude so raunchy because she wants some? She eats everything in sight, and her poo looks like confetti because of it. Should I get her spayed? or just put her down? I dont want my dog to be acting all slutty/whorish. she embarrasses me when I have company over because she drags her @rse across the carpet wildly.

LOLOL now Caitlin is yer dog? I thought it was a friend who hogged the arm rest.

I'd be butt kicken her all over the house if she was leaving tracks on my floor.


Did you think about taking her to the vet? If not, she might have worms, or Mother Nature could be getting ready to give her her 'monthly gift' , or something...

Feed her a bagel and then kick her to the curb.


Don't lie. You tap that w h o r e dog every night.

Buy her a big stuffed duck, and a litterbox.

From now on, ONLY feed her fruit rollups :)

Introductions to potential mates? Perhaps a police dog or an army K9?

She sounds fun...

Did you girls see the doctor yet?

you should ask this in the dog section!!!, maybe she has worms!!!!

Edward! suck it lol

I'd light some candles and show her how it's done... the dragging of the @ss of course.

Buy her a mate. She sounds horny. xD

Wrong section , and .... ew

Do you like them dangling there like that?

yes that is why i go without inderwear

Please specify.

I prefer them to be tightly compacted.

If you're saying what I think you're saying, then yes.

Yes. It feels sexy.

are you asking about what i think your aksking about

As long as they do not sneak under my leg and I sit on them,I'm fine.

What was the last movie did you watch?

and did you like it

Role models.


Twilight yesterday, I loves it.

Sydney White it's funny!


Knowing. It was awesome! Great movie.

Finding Nemo

edward scissorhands


he`s so fricken cute & has the kewlest hands ever

he`d be my best friend in real life


Dan in Real Life...it's excellent!

dont tell the mom the babysitters dead

yes i enjoyed it

i watched Glory Road and Facing the Giants yesterday.

and they changed my life..

Poll: Armageddon is soon??

Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.

a comet will fall from the sky?

Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves?

Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still?

Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits?

How do you want this world to end?

Tool RULES!!!!!

I'm praying for tidal waves!

I wanna see the ground give way.

not if we avert it

Do you enjoy making inappropriate shapes out of bendy straws?


Yes lol I do not know why.

I just roll with it

Putting a movie on a disk?

okayy i kno how to do it

but my question is

if the disk only holds 80 minutes

and a movie is like 140 minutes

will it cut it off, or will it say it cant burn it cuz its long?

I see you're burning on normal CDs in either VCD or SVCD format. This 80 minutes on the CD are only for audio files, More precisely when you burn an Audio CD. For the case of an mp3 CD it's max 700 mb, since it can be considered as data, and the same goes for the VCD films: gotta be under 700 mb. If it's not then it just won't let it burn normally, so in that case it won't cut off any part of it. But if you convert a film that's more than 2 hours long like yours to VCD format, for fitting the 700 mb, the quality might be so bad, that the movie can become unwatchable. You should split the file and burn it into two discs (if you're converting with WinAvi you can easily do that in the Advanced options).

Remember if the file is under 700 mb, the film will be on the disc in its entirety, no matter how long it is.

You won't be able to burn it, if it doesn't fit.



mac and cheese..

geezz they dont even have a name that actually comes from teh ground like broccoli for green... haha Mac and chheez i just dont get it lol

Nothing out of the ordinary.


Mac and cheese. Either it makes me hungry or makes me puke.


macaroni and cheese...

hahahah (:

Sienna.. cuz it's ma name..

it's brown..


for black in spanish.

Tickle-Me Pink


giving tree green

Robin's Egg Blue.

What The Fxck.

tickle me pink

Imao XD

yellow green?? idkk lol


tickle me pink


POLL: How was your weekend?

mine was ok.....i was in San Antonio.....im on my way home now


Mine was good :) I went for a long walk with my doggie ^______^

Just ok. Got drunk on friday, had an ok night, it could have been better. Saturday and Sunday I just stayed in the house all day.

as exciting as having an enema



except on saturday. i went shopping(:

Mine was great, thank you! I just wish it would have lasted longer :)

Its been awesome so far, i got a new laptop :)

Shopping and packing for my trip to Los Angeles to the KCA's with friends!


I have a code in my chest and my node is all stuffed.


Thank you for asking.

Very busy, just sat down. Phew!

i was ok

mine was great.


mine was good

not-OH **** wat a weekend

more of- cool weekend

Too short, why is it even called a week end?

Not too bad.

**** you :D



i worked the whole weekend but have the next 7 days off!! payed holiday woop woop

same ole same...i'm suppose to be doing essays but I'm on yahoo :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DOOL, what do you think will happen?

Do you think the truth will come out about Sami's and Nicole's (well the girl's baby)... Were the babies really switched? It did not actually show them being switched. (I didn't see it) What do you think will happen when the truth does come out? I can't wait to see it.

Yes. It is a soap opera and secrets don't remain secret forever. The babies really were switched (actually Dr. Baker presented Sami with Mia's baby while Nicole held Sami's actual baby).

EJ will probably explode. Mia will probably end up coming back for her baby, starting the whole spark that will end up with the DiMera's pissed beyond belief at Nicole's lies about the babies and being pregnant and Dr. Baker and the blackmailing, and at Sami for hiding "her" daughter from the DiMera's and lying about her. Rafe and Brady will probably have some role in all the drama as well.

Rumour has it that Mia (and Melanie) is actually Nicole's daughter so that would make things go even more out of control and bring on the wrath of, well, everyone.

We'll just have to wait and find out what happens.

yep i am sure because Dimera senior, Philip and Brady are on the case!!!

Samy can pretend all she wants she dies for Ej to get to know his own child.

And Nicole rrrrrrrrrrrrr needs to learn that scheming comes to an end because the truth always comes out, no matter how long and hard it takes to!

What kind of guys like Hannah Montana? Is it weird if there over 24?

I try not to be judgemental but it is kind of strange to me. Maybe he just doesn't want to grow up but what if it's something else. What do you think?

Well I am nineteen I like her FYI but I would think it would be kinda strange...but I don't know anymore look at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes...

Only hobos like that stipper.

Billy Ray Cyrus is a huge fan

Whens the last time you baked?

i miss mary jane

I baked brownies yesterday.

Does anyone know the song(I think it

The chorus goes something like

Fall in love

I don't want to

Fall in love

I don't need to (or you)

Fall in love

I want to touch you

and it's really layered reminded me of boston or something, sounded like 70's or 80's I'm having no luck.

i think your thinking of photograph by def leppard, it goes


i dont want your


i dont need your


all i got is your photograph

Not an exact match on the lyrics but sounds a bit like "Isn't It Time" by The Babys:


Falling in love was the last thing I had on my mind

Holding you is a warmth that I thought I could never find

(Sitting here all alone) Just trying to decide

(Whether to go all alone) Or stay by your side

(Then I stop myself because) I know I could cry

I just can't find the answers to the questions that keep going through my mind

Hey babe, isn't it time?

(Isn't it time it took time to wait, falling in love could be your mistake)

Isn't it time?

(Isn't it time you took time to wait, falling in love could be your mistake)

I've seen visions of someone like you in my life

A love that's strong reaching out holding me through the darkest night

(Sitting here all alone) Just trying to decide

(Whether to go all alone) Or stay by your side

(Then I stop myself because) I don't want to cry

I just can't find the answers to the questions that keep going through my mind

Hey babe, isn't it time ?

(Isn't it time it took time to wait, falling in love could be your mistake)

Isn't it time?

(Isn't it time you took time to wait, falling in love could be your mistake)

I feel a warmth in my heart and my soul that I never knew

This love affair gives me strength that I need just to get me through

(Sitting here all alone) Just wondering why

(Then I stop myself because) I know I could cry

(Then I think of you) And everything seems alright

I've finally found the answers to the questions that keep going through my mind

Hey babe , isn't it time ?

(Isn't it time you don't have to wait, don't have to wait)

I know it's time - (Losing this love could be your mistake)

Ooh yeah

Do you know the name and possibly singer of a classic country song with the follwing lyrics(read details)?

Ok one portion of it goes "please turn your head away and leave my heart alone". It is an oldie country song sung by a male singer. I was tuning into a local station here that plays oldie country hits and they don't announce the songs, it's all computerized I believe.

it's an oakridge boys song,- i wish you could have turned my head(and left my heart alone)

yep, Oakridge Boys. The song is called "I Wish You Could Have Turned My Head" the name of the singer is Duane Allen, although he is relatively new to the band. Their main lead singer was Smitty Gatlin, but he died in '72

POLL if you were payed $1000000 to kill a guy?

and you accepted (bet you thought the question would be "would you")

then you were caught and either way your going to get life.

would you rat out the person who paid you

No, this is why this world is so corrupt....

If you thought you were being funny your not.

My boyfriend was killed not too long ago because of stupidity like this.



I wouldn't have accepted to kill the guy in the first place.

Wait. Can't I just use my $1000000 to bail myself out of jail?

it depends who the person is. if they knew people they probably would find me. if it was just some average joe who was psyco and gave me his life savings i would rat him out.

Hell yeah, Not only did they deceive me but they're trying to have someone killed so it would be your duty to get them off the street. Plus, If I'm going to jail for life then I'm taking them down with me.

No because I wouldnt gain anything from it except possibly a shorter sentence

You people who answered yes disgust me. what if someone was paid to kill your brother or sister, or mother?

well the people who said yes thinking if you asked if they would

well probably....i dont know i wouldnt be stupid enough to actually accept in the first place! i dont even know how to use a gun lol

would you rat out the person is where the would you is

yes of course

Absolutely.......... I would not take the rap alone, if I am going down, so are you


I go down and that person comes down with me!!

No body likes a rat.

lol, I don't know the guy who payed me so, yeah I'd take that dirt bag down with me

Of course. But it probably wouldn't matter.


yes haha


I wouldnt && yeah (:

haha of course


but that doesn't mean that you still not going to get life.




IF I got put in to witness protection. If not then it is a no go. I'll do my time quietly

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